Recently we rolled out our new recognition programme across the fleet, which celebrates and rewards our colleagues who live and breathe our Culture Essentials, as well as those who deliver exceptional service to our guests through P&O Cruises SHINE and Cunard White Star Service promises.

We caught up with Rishi Chadha, P&O Cruises Britannia HR Manager to find out more…

“Recognising and rewarding our colleagues is so important – it helps our people feel motivated and valued and creates a positive place to work. The new fleet recognition programme is great, allowing the teams on board to show their appreciation and value our crew for all their hard work.

The P&O Cruises programme is called the SHINE Awards and has two focuses each month – the first recognises our colleagues who have demonstrated great examples of living our Culture Essentials, and the second celebrates our colleagues who have delivered extraordinary service to our guests through our SHINE service promise.”   

“Our Culture Essentials are the key for our success in working together – if all of us live and breathe these behaviours, then our ships will be the best place to work. Our new recognition programme is designed to help us keep these behaviours alive and recognise the individuals who truly believe in them.

Britannia’s Culture Essentials winner for July, Shibu Anthony – Crew Admin, is a great example of this. Shibu always goes the extra mile to look after his customers – our crew members. Before we welcomed guests back on board, he spent hours of his own time to resolve crew connectivity issues. A brilliant example of Respect & Protect and Improve, Shibu truly believes in our Culture Essentials and is great team player who is always ready to help and deserves to be recognised.

And of course, now Britannia has returned to service, it’s fantastic to once again recognise our shining stars who are delivering extraordinary service for our guests. But this month, we also wanted to recognise the amazing individuals who worked so hard in getting us to this incredible milestone.

Our July SHINE winner, Armila Tagala – Food & Beverage Admin, went above and beyond prior to return to service, being the gatekeeper of the food ordering system when we had over 800+ colleagues in quarantine. She did an amazing job of looking after our colleagues, making sure everyone was well and ready to welcome guests back on board in the best possible way, all whilst still making time for her day job.”

Congratulations Shibu and Armila! Thank you for all your hard work. We’ll be showcasing more winners from across the P&O Cruises and Cunard fleet over the coming weeks, so keep a look out.

Remember to recognise your colleagues!

Know someone who has demonstrated an outstanding example of bringing our Culture Essentials to life or delivered exceptional service for our guests? Show them some appreciation and nominate them for an award…

  • Fleet colleagues: Complete a nomination card and pop it in the nomination box on board. All ships can nominate for Culture Essentials now and ships with guests on board can also nominate for P&O Cruise SHINE and Cunard White Star Service. 
  • Shoreside colleagues: Click here to make your Culture Essentials Awards nominations.


Don’t forget both fleet and shoreside colleagues can nominate each other too!

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