Today Carnival House reopened to 550 colleagues across all departments. 

To continue testing our future ways of working, as well as our shared working spaces we need everyone to start working from the office regularly from today. If you’re yet to book a desk remember to do this via the Condeco desk booking system

Remember, if you are planning on working from Carnival House you must have:

  • completed the latest mandatory ‘working with Covid constraints’ module on GLADIS
  • booked, self-certified and checked in to your booked desk via Condeco booking system before leaving home.

You’ll also need to be prepared to show the security team evidence of your desk booking or collaboration space on arrival to Carnival House.

Here’s a reminder of what it will be like working from Carnival House:

We also caught up with a few of our colleagues who’ve been quick off the mark to experience the office for themselves. Here’s what they had to say…

“The familiar red walls of Floor 3 and teal pillar and desks that make up ORCA are familiar to many of us, especially in Maritime. When we traded these views for our four walls at home, I only thought it would be for a few months. Now, 18 months later, I’m back on Floor 3 for the first time in yonks. It’s brilliant that Carnival House has reopened. As someone who doesn’t live locally, being able to book a desk is fantastic, knowing you’ll have your own space ready and waiting for you when you get in.”

Alexander Preston, Maritime Communications

“It took me a while to figure out what had changed since I was last here. The main difference is that the office is now full of arrows and notes that tell you if you’re heading in the right direction (in the building, not in life) and if you are allowed to use certain areas or staircases. The reception and facilities staff are around and are really helpful if you need to check anything or forget which staircase goes ‘up’ and ‘down’ only. The Tech bar on the ground floor has been set up too, so book an appointment if you need headset or any other IT equipment on your return. I can’t wait to bump into a few more people very soon.”

Eva Johnston, People Shore Operations

“Odd and comforting, not usually two words that go together – it’s how I felt returning to Carnival House. My commute from Somerset was quieter than I remembered and when I arrived there was an actual person there to welcome me in. All the signage was really clear and reception were as helpful and friendly as ever. While at first it felt odd not to go to my old desk – all the instructions and equipment were there for me to plug in and get on with my day. It was great to have actual ‘in person’ meetings and interact as we used to (socially distanced of course!). At the end of the day as I drove back to Somerset, it was comforting to realise all the work that has gone into making our building safe to return.”

Michelle Harradence, Learning

“When Carnival House closed down last March I hoped it would only be for a short time, The once busy sounds of the office were no longer there and the empty building seemed unreal with only the sea gulls for company. When the changes around the building started to be put in place to make it safe for all of us to return, I started to see light once again. Now with the building being back open and having lots of friendly, smiley faces back it’s so nice see a little bit of normal. I look forward to welcoming back more people very soon.

Lee Hawkins, Security

Wondering what you need to bring with you to make your first day go smoothly? We’ve prepared a checklist of office essentials, so you can focus on enjoying your first day back. You’ll also find lots of answers to your questions on our office working page. and don’t forget:

  • We’re offering everyone a free drink from the Atrium Cafe. To redeem your free drink, register your details and show your voucher confirmation at the Atrium Café during your next visit to Carnival House. Voucher valid until 1 October 2021 to allow everyone the opportunity to redeem.
  • You can also collect a free headset from the Tech Bar to help minimise noise when participating in virtual meetings. Give IT a call on 02380 656000 or book an appointment at the Tech Bar via the Condeco app. You’ll find full instruction on how to book an appointment here.
  • While wearing of masks isn’t mandatory when using the office, masks are mandatory in meeting room spaces so we recommend bringing one with you still. Limited masks are available in ‘hubs’ and we will have reusable mask for sale in the Atrium. We also have face shields available in the conference suite to facilitate lip reading.If for any reason it is not possible use a facemask in a meeting room you will need to use a different space with suitable social distancing and ventilation such as a collaboration space.

Have a question about hybrid working or working from the office that’s specific to you? Please get in touch with Occupational Health who’ll be able to advise.

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