The big day is almost here! As Queen Elizabeth prepares to return to service and once again create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests, we’ve been catching up with a few of our colleagues on board to hear their stories.

Say hello to Moe Halim, Crew Administrator:

Hello, my name is Moe. I am South African and my heritage is Indian. I started working at sea because I wanted to travel and see the world from a different view. I have worked on board Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria, and this is my seventh year at sea.

I became a Crew Administrator after previously working as a chef, and it’s been an enlightening and amazing move for me. I love interacting with all the crew and making sure everyone is looked after. I like to help and reassure people and make them happy. 

I work as part of a small team and we all support each other, working together hand in hand – it’s an amazing team. It’s been so nice seeing my colleagues returning on board – they are like friends and family to me and it feels very welcoming to be back.”

How do you relax and look after your wellbeing after a busy day?

“During my down time, I like to go to the gym and workout. I like to play games and read too – I’m a big book worm. Then there is just chilling out and watching the sun rise and sun set… it’s good to appreciate it all.”

And last but not least, the big question… what are you most excited about returning to service?

“I can’t wait to travel and go to different ports again. Even if we don’t get to go ashore for now, it’s still amazing to be able to see a different part of the world. I know some people might say “it’s just seeing land”, but it’s more than that for me. I also can’t wait to see our guests and hear their stories and experiences. Everyone has a different story to tell, especially with what has happened over the last year, and it’s interesting to hear what people have to say.”

Thanks Moe for sharing your story! We wish you and all our colleagues on board Queen Elizabeth a fantastic season of creating unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests. 



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