On Tuesday this week, Queen Elizabeth welcomed special guests and Carnival UK colleagues on board for her long awaited test cruise. As well as testing all operational elements and delivering the impeccable White Star Service that Cunard is famous for, the ship was put through her paces testing the COVID-19 protocols we have in place. 

To do this and facilitate our return to service, we have been working with Bureau Veritas to audit and verify health and wellbeing standards on board our ships. Having previously given Britannia and Iona the green light to sail again, Bureau Veritas were back on board Queen Elizabeth to assess and verify all procedures and protocols to identify and manage COVID-19 related risks.

Thanks to the hard work of all our colleagues on board and many more ashore, we’re thrilled to announce that Queen Elizabeth passed her return to service audit with flying colours! In just one more day she will be setting sail and once again creating unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests. 

Captain Inger, photographed centre left below commented: “We’re extremely happy to receive our Bureau Veritas accreditation. This is credit to all our hard working crew who have worked relentlessly to ensure we’re now ready to receive guests onboard our beautiful Queen Elizabeth after after 18 long months – thank you all!”

Join us tomorrow as we celebrate Queen Elizabeth setting sail on her first Summer at Sea Voyage. Find out where and when you can see her sailaway here.

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