With just four days to go until Britannia sets sail, we’ve been catching up with a few of our colleagues on board to hear their stories and find out what returning to service means to them.

Meet Felipe Dolor Jr, DJ on board Britannia:

Hello, my name is Felipe Dolar Jr, also known as DJ Philip, from Manila, Philippines. I am a happy-go-lucky, energetic and hardworking father to my 17 month old twins, Angelo and Angela, who are the love of my life.

I have a degree in Science in Marine Transportation and started my career on ships 19 years ago as a Marine Deck Hand, working my way up to Able Bodied Seaman. However things went in a different direction when I was DJing at a crew party and was discovered by the Cruise Director. He was amazed by my mixes and choice of music and offered me the chance to become the resident Guest DJ on board.”

I have always loved music; it is my passion. I started DJing over 20 years ago at the age of 17, and I love to entertain people.

I have worked for P&O Cruises for four years and was previously on board Azura, joining the ship in February 2020. At that time COVID-19 was not so bad, but in just a month the virus had spread so fast and we were sent home. 

Felipe's family

On returning home, I set up a small burger stand business, however the pandemic soon meant that the revenue was not good, so I had to find another job. Since then I have worked as a Courier Service Driver, hotel DJ and Shuttle Service Driver. It has been a really challenging time, but I have remained positive and focused on looking after my family.

I was so excited and overwhelmed to get the call that I was coming back to work on board. I kissed my wife and twins and thanked God for his blessings and answering my prayers. I had been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

I am so excited to come back and show our Guests what can we offer them. With the new protocols and safety guidelines in place, the training and preparation we are doing is the key to giving our Guests the holiday they deserve, while keeping them safe.

I look forward to seeing their smiling faces again, enjoying the new normal and telling all their friends and family that cruising is safe and fun.”

Thank you Felipe for sharing your story. We are so happy to have you back!

Be sure to keep an eye out for more stories from our Britannia colleagues this week as we continue the countdown to our return to service.

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