Only one day to go! Tomorrow Britannia sets sail, the first Carnival UK ship to return to service. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we’ve been catching up with a few of our colleagues on board to hear their stories and find out what they are most excited about returning to service.

Say hello to Matthew Westcott, Senior Entertainment Host:

Hi, I’m Matthew and I can’t wait to welcome our Guests back on board! 

I work as a Senior Entertainment Host and I love every moment of it. My role consists of running events and hosting shows for the enjoyment of our Guests. I love what I do and embrace the chance to challenge my skills and explore my craft as a host.

Working on board has also given me the opportunity to meet and work with all kinds of great people. 

I am from the Valleys of South Wales and have worked at sea for nearly five years, having previously worked at holiday parks across the UK. I’ve always wanted to work on board a cruise ship to travel the world and entertain big audiences.”

Any top tips for the the new ways of working and protocols on board?

“It’s a good idea to prepare for your isolation period – take snacks, books and anything else that will keep you occupied. There are protocols on board to keep us all fit and well; they are easy to follow and the ship is still more than ever a happy and friendly place to work.”

How do you relax and look after your wellbeing after a busy day?

“During my down time, I like to listen to music and play video games. This relaxes me and helps me recharge for my next duty.”

And last but not least, the big question… what are you most excited about returning to service?

I can’t wait to see our Guests walking up the gangway and to welcome them back on board, seeing our ship come back to life to create fantastic holiday memories.”

Thanks Matthew for sharing your story, we wish you and all of our colleagues on board Britannia the very best. Here’s to a fantastic summer of once again creating unforgettable holiday happiness for our Guests!

Did you miss our other stories earlier this week? You can read them here:





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