The results are in and our Q4 Values Awards winners have been decided! And for the first time, nominations were made for individuals supporting our new Culture Essentials – we’re extremely proud of how many of you have been bringing our Culture Essentials to life and providing support to our Guests, our ship’s company and your colleagues shore side. Well done to everyone who was nominated.

Our winners

Overall Individual – Kathryn Ramsdale, Director Health Services, Medical

Kathryn has been a truly supportive leader throughout the year. She always has time for the team and shows real interest in their experiences both in and out of the working environment. She has taken efforts to ensure that both fleet and shore teams are kept up to date with developments so that they remain informed and empowered to deliver best results.

“Kathryn as been absolutely fantastic in leading our team during such a challenging time. She will always listen to your concerns and communicates well with the teams on board and ashore, empowering all to speak up and allowing us to improve where possible. Thank you!”

Overall team – HR Business Partners; Katy Bateson, Kate Cornhill, Liz Hardy, Katherine Rolls, Liz Sinclair, Maria SoneiraPerez and Keren Taylor; People Team  

The HR Business Partner team have been the driving force behind many key business changes this year. They have needed to react quickly, fire fight 110% of their time, complete tasks outside of their remit such as leading key projects, supporting data entry, stepping into ER meetings, supporting some of the most difficult conversations with our people. They have gone over and above to deliver and support their business areas.

“I am so impressed by the honesty and openness in which this team works. Holding ourselves and others to high standards and partnering the whole business to achieve the right people outcomes that we should be very proud of. I love that challenge is fair and balanced, there is not blame, only a willingness to work together to achieve the right outcomes.”

Our individual departmental winners

David Webster, Cunard
A great go between who communicates well with his team, senior management and the wider business. David stepped up to take on additional responsibilities, and works hard to keep people engaged and informed.

“He listens to people, empathises and is able to offer solutions or alternative points of view. He cares for his team and is always available to speak to when needed.”

Claire Buckingham, People Team
Claire has worked tirelessly to ensure that not only is Carnival UK compliant as a business with regards to our COVID-19 response to our people, but she has also built a robust plan to ensure the health and wellbeing of all colleagues in view of the COVID-19 response both ship and shore.

“Claire has been resourceful, helpful and focused on managing risk in a sensible, pragmatic way throughout this past year as well as providing me with immense support and clarity to ensure we are consistent in our approach to an ever changing landscape.”

Carl Lowes Contact Centre Operation (CCO)
Carl has been very important in the development of the CCO ‘floorwalker’ process, thinking of new and better ways in which we can work to make sure we are being effective. On a number of occasions Carl has taken it upon himself to create, distribute and present training to members of/the whole CCO, boosting confidence across teams. 

“Continually wanting to improve on current processes, Carl not only thinks it, he acts and does something about it by setting up meetings with key stakeholders. Articulate and balanced in emails which is so lovely to see. A pleasure to work with.”

Sarah McCallum, Technology
Sarah has had such a positive impact on so many people across Carnival UK in her role on the IT Service Desk. Her customer service is superb, always following through on every issue until satisfactory resolution is achieved. Sarah has taken on additional responsibilities in Q4 and worked to proactively find ways to develop the self-serve function to help reduce the ticket queues within Operations.

“I know that the customer service that Sarah gave was not a one off as she is always helpful when I speak with her. Thank you Sarah, you make IT issues that can be quite stressful feel less painful which enable people to get on with the tasks in hand!”

Mike Goulding, Finance and Legal
Mike has contributed to the Guest Data project through extensive work to define and support the approach and implementation of data solutions for Future Cruise Creditss, refunds and other booking adjustments. He has pushed himself and become a respected leader and expert in Polar, answering questions and providing advice to project, Partnerships and CCO teams.

“His contribution and commitment in an area outside his day job have been outstanding.”

Matty Brown, P&O Cruises
Matty’s strive to understand Future Cruise Credits (FCC) over the past 9 months has been invaluable. He has effectively communicated with different stakeholders around the business to give sight of requirements and objectives to improve our understanding of FCCs. Matty has delivered the above on top of the requirement within his role. He has supported with launch loading and supported the contact centre with FCC queries.

“Since the beginning of this difficult year, Matty has demonstrated how indispensable he is to our immediate and extended team.”

Our team departmental winners

Jason Buttery & Mark Lewry, Maritime
Mark and Jason went above and beyond during the recent anchor link change on Arcadia, as well as continually maintaining great communication and coordination with the ships during the extended pause.

“Mark and Jason set up and organised a piece of work that had many moving parts including contractors, ships staff and class society remote surveys. Mark also attended as Carnival UK’s site representative.which was immensely valuable to the fleet operations team.”

Strategic Planning - Cunard Revenue Management and Deployment
Tom Mahoney, Steve Angel, Phil Melhuish, John Muscott and Ruben Mieres.

The whole Strategic Planning team have gone above any beyond in the last quarter, delivering three (re)deployments and launches for Cunard including Summer 2022 in record time. An incredible team effort to pull this together and on time, demonstrating real accountability and improvement against prior launches.

“I am incredibly proud of what the team have achieved to successfully deliver the planning of the summer 2022 cruise programme. The team simplified the process and worked collaboratively together to achieve all milestones in significantly less time than prior launches.”

P&O Cruises E-commerce and Digital Content
This team came together to produce the biggest website Launch performance ever seen, over 50% of Direct bookings, and over 120% up Year on Year. The spirit, passion and togetherness they showed as a function to drive the E-commerce performance was outstanding.

“They went above and beyond to prepare for a Launch that was only confirmed in late August, not only that, they came together as a team on Launch days to get to Carnival House for 6am to ensure everything was prepared and ready to go live.”

Social Media Team, Contact Centre Operation
” The team team of eight (including six members of Guest Relations who recently stepped up to be trained on social media) manage all private messages and engagement across the Carnival UK social platforms. Since 1 August 2020 the team have responded to 31,621 Facebook wall posts and/or Tweets, with an average of 209 posts per day. In addition, they have also responded to 9732 private messages, which equates to an average of 89 private messages a day.

“They have all stepped up to the challenge and I am incredibly proud of the resilience and determination that they have shown during this time.”

Bonding Team, Finance and Legal
Sophie Whiteside / Katherine Mason 

The team has been exemplary in driving the agenda and communicating across markets and OPCO’s to deliver the German Guest insurance through a new provider. They have worked hard in a changing environment to ascertain what the business is required to do from a bonding perspective in the face of a changed travel industry.

“In a tricky financial climate and with multiple stakeholders they grabbed the task with both hands and were constantly engaging with relevant parties to come to a successful conclusion. They have been collaborative and helpful whilst working towards that goal, and have been a pleasure to work with.”


Well done to all of our winners! In recognition of all their hard work and dedication they’ll receive WOW points to spend on something lovely to celebrate! 

Remember, you don’t have to wait for the next quarterly Values Awards to recognise someone. Drop your colleague a thank you e-card or Zoom them to say thank you any time.

You can also now cast your vote for our overall 2020 values Award winner – find out more here. 

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