Ship Security Officer, Sheena Matthams, has been walking the decks of Britannia during the month of October to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Now the challenge is over she’s happy to announce she not only reached her target of 300 km but walked a total of 331 km!

As the month progressed and the clocks changed, the mornings got lighter but the evenings got darker and the weather just kept getting worse. Sometimes the deck walking had to be moved inside into the Guest decks but the bad weather never dampened her spirits as she was determined to keep going no matter what.

So far she’s raised £175 for the British Heart Foundation which Sheena will always be grateful to as they carry out vital research into heart related issues. Her own mother has recently undergone lifesaving surgery which is now regarded as ‘routine’ as a result of the work they do.

Sheena said: ‘Without the important work of the BHF, my mum simply wouldn’t have had the chance of quality of life following her fall earlier in the year which caused damage to her heart valve. Not only was the surgery available to her but she’s made it through and is now back at home and doing really well. Christmas will definitely be a time to celebrate this year’.

You can see Sheena pictured above with some of her on board supporters; Safety Officer Harry Morley, Crew Manager Avon Vida, Environmental Officer Sophie Wilsdon and HR Manager Rishi Chadha.

If you want to, there’s still time to support this worthwhile cause by donating to Sheena’s Just Giving page.

Congratulations Sheena on smashing your target of 300km!

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