We’ve recently launched our wearecunard account on Instagram where we share posts from our crew members who are currently on board as part of the essential manning, as well as crew members sharing their daily lives at home.

What’s happening around the world?

Fancy a Doughnut Tuesday?  

Who’s having an Octoberfest at home? 

And who’s baking a Russian inspired dessert for our crew? 

Find out on wearecunard on Instagram.

Get involved
We want to know how you are doing too! So share your images by tagging #wearecunard on Instagram or send them via a private message to the wearecunard account. Social media guidelines will apply.  

Follow us on Instagram and stay up to date with what your Cunard Fleet colleagues are doing!

Next week another part of our ‘A day in the life…’series, this time from Queen Elizabeth.

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