Every year we have our cycle of Performance conversations, each one designed to support your career aspirations and personal development. Although this year’s been a dramatically different one, maintaining this regular rhythm is really important. However we recognise that it needs to be adapted to current circumstances. 

That’s why, from 20 July to 28 August, instead of our usual mid-year review, we’re holding Enabling Conversations, an opportunity to reflect on all the incredible things we’ve achieved during extraordinary circumstances, and to focus on the future; adjusting our goals to support the business and each other for rest of the year. 

Ensuring quality conversations

Even though virtual meetings have become the norm, it’s understandable if you’re not yet 100% comfortable with this new way of working. Enabling Conversations are an opportunity for you to have an open and honest conversation with your line manager, so it’s really important that you feel at ease – try moving away from your workstation and sitting on the sofa, or pick up the phone if you’d rather not be seen on screen.

Preparation is pivotal for quality conversations, so make sure you spend time thinking about answers to the four questions below (these have been updated from previous Enabling Conversations and are what you’ll be discussing with your line manager) :

  1. Looking back at the past quarter, what were your key achievements and successes?
  2. How did you display our Core Values in the past quarter?
  3. What challenges did you face in the past quarter and how did you overcome them?
  4. What will be your key focus for the next quarter and what support do you need?

We’re also asking everyone to update their goals to make sure they support our current business priorities. To help you with goal setting and additional preparation for your Enabling Conversation, read this Performance Conversations guide.

You’ll find full employee guidance on Performance conversations here on The Bridge (open using internet Explorer for the best viewing experience).

Enabling Conversation and goal documents are updated in myHR Portal. See these step by step QRGs (Quick Reference Guides) for support:

Your line manager will be scheduling your Enabling Conversation so make sure you have this booked in your diary between 20 July and 28 August – if you have a new line manager as a result of the organisational restructure, your Enabling Conversation should be scheduled after 30 July. myHr Portal is currently being updated and your previous Performance conversation documents might not be available to your new line manager until after this date.

Being the best you can be

For the next few months things will feel very different and it’ll take time to adapt to the changes that have been made. That’s why it’s really important to uphold our Core Values, working together to support Carnival UK to become more agile, more cost efficient and to ready ourselves to deliver unforgettable holiday happiness for our future Guests.

During your Enabling Conversation, talk to your line manager about what you might need to be the best you can be at work – remember to also read our ‘Focusing on the Future’ employee pack for guidance.

Your wellbeing remains our number one priority which is why you’ll also find a wealth of wellbeing support on The Insider should you feel like you’d benefit from it. Use your Enabling Conversation to confidentially raise any concerns you might have.

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1 Comment

  1. Rebecca Lester on

    Enabling Conversations – there is only one option to select “Enabling conversation 2” but the instructions say to select “Q3 pulse check/ enabling conversations”, but that isn’t an option. Who can I contact for help please?

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