As we continue through collective consultation we know that change is unsettling but it can also present great opportunity.

Facing a career change can be daunting but we’re here to support you however we can – read this article on job vacancies, CV writing and interview tips.

Social media is a really useful platform to use when exploring career options, with LinkedIn being the largest business-oriented networking website geared specifically towards professionals. Offering opportunities to network every day, a professionally written LinkedIn profile allows you to create an online professional brand which can help open doors to opportunities and networks that you may not have been aware of without the help of social media.

LinkedIn tips for Carnival UK colleagues 

Paul Thomas from Paul Thomas Digital, hosted a 60 minute live Zoom session especially for us focusing on maximising opportunities through LinkedIn and social media in a competitive jobs marketplace. Paul’s session included:

  • Top things every LinkedIn profile should have, but rarely does
  • What to share, when to share, how to share
  • Knowing when to connect and who to connect to 
  • Using your 1st degree network to reach more people in your field of expertise. 

Paul recorded his live session so that we could share it with everyone at Carnival UK.
Watch it below…

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