At Carnival UK we are better together and as we continue to navigate the uncertain times we are in, the one thing that shines through among our teams on board and ashore, is unity and togetherness.

We’re incredibly proud of the way our extraordinary people have adapted and love to hear the creative ways people are keeping themselves motivated, positive and connected. Whether it be hosting a virtual fitness class to fancy dress Friday, a virtual quiz or taking part in a group sing-a along (from the safety of your cabin or home of course!)

Get sharing

We recognise how uplifting sharing these updates with one another can be, that’s why we’re encouraging our people to share them on Instagram – videos and images all very welcome-  just remember to tag us @CarnivalUKComms and we’ll re-share as many as we can!

You could even go all out and share a team video like Ventura and P&O Cruises Brand and Product team have, check out their latest creation below;

Take on the challenge and help bring a smile to someone else’s day!

Tag us on Instagram at @CarnivalUKComms


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