Since we unveiled our White Star Service pin, over 300 shore colleagues have completed the programme and are wearing their pin with pride.

Why not join them?

If you work with Cunard in any capacity, then please do sign up to our White Star Service Academy where you will work towards achieving your White Star Service Pin and qualifications accredited by the Institute for Customer Service (ICS).

You’ll deep-dive into how our outstanding White Star Service gives our guests unparalleled experiences, and you’ll understand how we should live and breathe our values in everything we do.
We want Cunard to set the benchmark for luxury travel and to support us in achieving this, we encourage you to sign up – we all have a part to play!

To celebrate your achievement, you’ll be invited to a pinning ceremony where you’ll receive your pin from a senior member of the Cunard leadership team.

Already earned your White Star Service pin?

For those who have already earned your White Star Service pin, you now have the opportunity to complete the additional modules required for the ICS accreditation:

  • Understanding our guests (part 2)
  • White Star Service Performer (part 2)
  • Belonging and Inclusion
  • Disability Awareness
  • Heroes of Safe & Well

Book now!

Spaces on the programme are limited, so to sign up, log into The Cove and in the library you’ll find the Cunard Directorate, where you can enroll onto the White Star Service Academy Workshops. Please check with your Line Manager where appropriate.

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