Throughout 2019 you’ve been nominating colleagues when you’ve seen them doing the ordinary extraordinarily well. You’ve been calling them out for being our Heroes of Safe and Well, making Determined and Courageous decisions, being Passionate about Happiness and Guest Obsessed in their actions, and demonstrating how we are Better Together.

We’ve literally had 100s of nominations!

As you know, each quarter we celebrate and recognise these achievements within each of our departments, as well as having an overall quarterly winner, chosen by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

New for 2019! Vote for your 2019 Values Award Winner.

As part of our re-launched scheme, we’re taking recognition of these great behaviours to the next level by asking you to vote for the overall 2019 winner!

You can choose one of our quarterly winners* to not only be recognised as the 2019 Values Award Winner, but to win their own piece of holiday happiness – a cruise of up to 14 nights for themselves and a guest! 

Who gets your vote? 

Here’s a reminder of our quarterly winners and the reasons they were nominated for a Values Award:

Berit Rodwell, Manager, International Contact Centre 

With less than 24hrs notice, Berit was made aware of potential airport strikes in three German airports. Quick thinking Berit requested a report of affeted bookings from the flight department – 17 Cunard Guests were due to arrive via these airports to board QV and QM2 to begin their World Voyages.

With Guests potentially missing their embarkation and significant cost implications for Cunard to transfer them to the next available port (Bermuda and Cadiz), Berit needed senior management approval book alternative flights. However senior management was unreachable so Berit had to make the decision to rebook the flights herself. Having managed a similar scenario once before, Berit used her expertise, being prompt and decisive to ensure our Guests were able to embark their World Voyage as planned.    

Berit was Guest Obsessed in her actions, being Determined and Courageous with her quick thinking and decision making.  

Baiba Ziga, Consultant, Resourcing & Onboarding 

Baiba has transformed the IT recruitment process, making it a much better experience for the candidate and the recruiting manager. By organising a project managers assessment centre (which received fantastic feedback from candidates), three employment offers were made in one day, something that would have previously taken months. 

Baiba has also organised Innovation 2.0 events where she invites external speakers into Carnival House to discuss relevant and interesting topics, drumming up support on our social channels for attendees, and also showcasing what an interesting and forward-thinking company Carnival UK is. 

Baiba is Passionate about Happiness for both candidates and Carnival UK colleagues, and demonstrates how a Better Together mindset can have a positive impact on the recruitment process for everyone involved.  

Anna Townsend, Manager, AP & Payroll 

Anna was heavily involved in the Payment Services Directive project (PSD2), the Mastercard Tokenisation project and also supported the My Cruise go-live, ensuring that all Guest payments and refunds were processed correctly. 

Anna’s role in Emergency Response Organisations (EROs) has also been exemplary. She was the Subject Matter Expert (SME) supporting in a Cruise Personaliser 2 (CP2) issue, which resulted in significant Guest Impact. She dealt with all the tasks effectively and provided sound financial advice. Her role became pivotal in ensuring all the issues were resolved and affected Guests were supported throughout the process.

Anna is Guest Obsessed by sharing her knowledge and expertise to ensure unforgettable holiday happiness. Determined and Courageous, she really thinks things through and her positive suggestions make a real difference to colleagues and Carnival UK process. 

*Matthew Lloyd, our quarter three winner is no longer a Carnival UK colleague. 

How do I vote?

After reading the nominations above, click on the link below to place your vote. Think about who you feel has made a real difference to our business, our Guests and our people through their actions and behaviours. You can only vote once so please make sure you know who you want to vote for and place your vote carefully.

Place your vote here!

What happens next?

The vote will close at 17:00 on Friday 10 January and the winner will be announced by the Executive Leadership Team w/c 20 January!

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