Are you inquisitive, level headed, wanting to learn a new skill or develop existing skills, broaden your Fleet knowledge, and really make a difference?

Employee Relations need colleagues across all departments, in any role, who can support with holding investigations, disciplinaries, appeals, grievances and medical capability hearings for our ships’ company.

Each and every one of us is here to support the experience of our ship-based colleagues, and improve the Guest experience to deliver unforgettable holiday happiness.

To consistently deliver this, we have an Employee Relations (ER) pool of people in place to hear Employee Relations cases originating from the fleet and each year we look for new talent to join – this year that could be you! 

If you’d like to be a part of this and take on a new challenge, to really make a difference, now’s the time to join.

We’d like to invite you to one of our training sessions – if you’re interested in coming along, or if you just want further information before committing, please email

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