Athena has launched the details for its latest event, taking place on Monday 30 September and Tuesday 8 October and will be hosted by Kasi Munns, from Portsmouth RFC. More details below – but first, if you’ve never been to an Athena event, find out more below from two attendees who joined us for our previous event, ‘Imposter Syndrome, a life hack’.

“I also found a few of the statements ringing true for me and was surprised by how it also landed with people across all levels of the organisation”

Eithne Williamson – Vice President Planning & Facilities Shared Services

I attended the Athena Imposter Syndrome Event to support Athena and my people development goal. I got a lot more than I bargained for. Sarah Watts was a really good presenter, she obviously cares and believes in what she was presenting.

I also found a few of the statements ringing true for me and was surprised by how it also landed with people across all levels of the organisation.

This was one of my favourite Athena events, I encouraged my team to attend the following Athena Imposter Syndrome Event and they too got a lot from it. Well done and thank you to Athena and seriously impressed Sarah, well done. 

My first Athena session but not my last”

Steve Taylor – Business Manager – Partnership Development

I’d actually read an article about Imposter syndrome in the weeks prior to this session and it was something that resonated with me as despite my experience within the industry I  often find myself in new, sometimes challenging situations and it’s in these times when self doubt can sometimes creep in. I was therefore particularly keen to see how this affected others (if at all) and how best to cope.

As this was my first time attending an Athena session I was unsure as to what to expect but it was reassuring to see a wide variety of people in attendance all from different departments, career lengths & levels.

I found the session delivered by Sarah to be really helpful and the pace and pitch meant that it was easy to digest and think about some actions we could adopt moving forward. I took away that Imposter syndrome is felt by all, is nothing new and there are a few techniques and tricks around the psychology, thoughts & emotions that influence your reactions when Imposter syndrome creeps in.

My first Athena session but not my last – I’d encourage others yet to attend to take a space and learn something new.

Join us at our next event

Join Kasi Munns for an event where she will share her experience of playing in a rugby team and how this has enabled her to change her approach to challenges in the workplace.

Sign up now: \\\Depts\Common\Athena

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