On 23 August we’re celebrating the diversity of colleagues at Carnival House Pride. 

From 10am to 4pm there’s a packed day of fabulous fun and entertainment. Over the next few days we’re announcing who’s joining us and what you can look forward to.


…Andrew Browning as George Michael

Andrew began his career over 10 years ago when someone remarked upon his similarity to George Michael. Andrew could already sing and as luck would have it, discovered that his own voice had the same soulful qualities of George.

After having performed at local clubs, Andrew appeared in the finals of the ITV1 show “Stars in their Eyes” the No1 entertainment television show at the time. 

Andrew has appeared on countless stages around the world and is a firm entertainment favourite on board our ships. 

Andrew stands alone as the definitive tribute to George Michael, offering audiences the experience of watching, hearing and feeling the atmosphere masterfully recreated by the worlds number one tribute artiste.

Watch Andrew perform live in the Atrium at 12.15pm and 2.30pm!

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