On 23 August we’re celebrating the diversity of colleagues at Carnival House Pride. 

From 10am to 4pm there’s a packed day of fabulous fun and entertainment. Over the next few days we’re announcing who’s joining us and what you can look forward to.


…Amy HoopLovin and the Hooper Hero show!

Amy discovered hula hooping while travelling in Australia. When she came back to the UK, she created HoopLovin Dance & Fitness community in the South of England teaching hooping skills. This enabled her to progress at hooping very quickly and she soon got scouted by entertainment company Area 51 and invited to perform at a number of exotic places and prestigious events.

Amy obtained a degree at the National Centre for Circus Arts where she undertook many hours of clown and comedy training, developing a big passion for character work and creating a connection with the audience.

Her professional training includes:

  • BA Hons Degree, National Centre Circus Arts, London
  • Full-Time Intensive, Francine Côte Clown & Comedy School, Montreal
  • Mick Barnfather Clown Workshops
  • Spymonkey Clown School

Join Amy at 11am and 3pm for the Hooper Hero show and hooping workshops!

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