Today, across India, celebrations will be taking place to mark 73 years of Independence for India – a day we know many of our Indian seafarers will also be celebrating.  

During World War I, Mohandes K. Ghandi led the Indian Independence movement, advocating for a peaceful end to British rule. After the independence bill was signed, colonial India was then divided into two states, India and Pakistan.

Celebrations will take place across the world, with many people wearing the nation’s colours – green, orange and white. The tradition of kite flying began in India in 1927 as a means of protest, however this has continued to be part of Independence Day, as an expression of happiness and patriotism, representing the spirit of freedom.

The Prime Minister will participate in a flag-raising ceremony in Old Delhi, followed by a parade by members of the armed forces and police. The Prime Minister will then deliver a speech, televised across the country looking back on the major accomplishments of India during the previous year, and outlining goals for the future.

The day is declared as a national holiday, to pay tribute to the freedom fighters that sacrificed their lives for their country.

We’re wishing all our celebrating seafarers a happy Indian Independence Day!

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