During Queen Victoria’s recent trip to Rotterdam they were pleased to welcome onboard some of our colleagues from the CSmart Hotel in Almere.

During this familiarisation visit to see one of our ships, our colleagues listed below, were given a tour of the ship, Engine Control Room (ECR) and Bridge as well as some lunch. 

Nikita Blaauboer, Atje Boesjes, Daphne Hazelaar, Angela Morales, Kimberley Roersma and Vipapom Yodril.

This was a great opportunity to see what all the training at CSmart is actually for.

“It was great to be able to return the excellent hospitality we receive whilst staying in Almere as well as give our visitors a greater understanding of what life is like on our ships and the contribution CSmart has on the careers of deck and technical officers within the corporation.” Chris Kennedy, Safety Officer


CSmart is a training facility which features the most advanced simulator equipment, technology and instructional tools. It provides all Carnival Corporation Deck and Technical Officers with a superior maritime training experience that emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making.

Our Deck and Tech teams onboard spend a lot of their time in CSmart and a good working relationship between CSmart and our ships is vital. CSmart is where they’re trained to the required Corporate standards within the Deck and Technical Departments.

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