As we mark Day of the Seafarer (DotS) this year, let’s remember that our people are our greatest asset, as we all contribute to the unforgettable holiday happiness of our Guests. 

As our seafarers experience the high seas, vast horizons, changing tides and camaraderie that living and working on board brings, it’s a unique life to lead. And one that draws people from diverse backgrounds together to form Carnival UK’s seafaring family.  

Let’s meet some of our Cadets and recently qualified colleagues, who are beginning their careers at sea with Carnival UK.

Grace Haskins, Deck Cadet at Warsash Maritime Academy – currently on board Ventura

“I chose to start my career at sea because it’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle and a fantastic opportunity to see the world and receive high-class training from the world’s leading cruise operator.”

David Scott, Recently Qualified Electro-Technical Engineer – currently on board Arcadia 

During his cadetship with Carnival UK, David was awarded the Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) Prize for his achievement in the ETO Foundation Degree GMDSS Radio Maintenance Certificate, by the Radio Officer’s Association. 

“I feel exceedingly grateful to be recognised by the Radio Officer’s Association, especially as it’s an organisation made up of those who have served as radio officers in the merchant navy and coastal radio stations, which has helped paved the way for the modern Electro-Technical Officer.”

Iain Magill, Deck Cadet, Fleetwood Nautical College 

After his last sea phase during his Deck Cadetship on Queen Victoria, Iain made a noticeable impact on board, achieving a Recommendation Rating of Five, the highest rating cadets are awarded for consistently demonstrating exceptional performance and behaviours.

After his three months on board Queen Victoria, he was praised by his line manager on board, Scott Fenton (First Officer), who said, “Iain has shown great qualities as a Cadet on his last phase. Always well turned-out, he has been fully engaged with all areas on board. We wish Iain well with his future studies.”

 Brittany Brown, Deck Cadet, Fleetwood Nautical College 

“I come from a seafaring family, which inspired me to want to become a seafarer myself. As I start my cadetship with Carnival UK, I’m most looking forward to being able to master the role of Officer of the Watch and learn new and exciting things.”


Josh Sage, Electro-Technical Cadet, City of Glasgow College

“There are very few jobs in the world that enable employees to have such freedom whilst also continuously providing them with opportunities to grow and develop as professionals. Carnival UK in particular allows cadets and employees to visit some of the world’s most exotic and picturesque places, as you get to work alongside top industry professionals and on board world class vessels.”

Charlotte Hird, Recently Graduated Engineering Cadet

Charlotte recently graduated as a Marine Engineer after beginning her Engineering Cadetship with Carnival UK in 2016. During her Cadetship, she was consistently praised for her commitment to Carnival UK values, including HESS. During her first sea phase on Azura, she was commended by her line manager, Roy Sturrock, who said, “Charlotte has made a good start to her career at sea. She has become familiar with HESS and recognises safe working practices in the machinery spaces.”

Colleagues in Carnival House can come and meet some our cadets, apprentices at sea and on board colleagues today in the Atrium! 

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