Today is tremendously exciting for P&O Cruises. We have not only launched our winter 2020/21 programme but Guests can also pre-register for Iona. And…our new TV advert featuring an array of unforgettable experiences in the Arabian Gulf airs for the first time tonight!

The new look programme offers our Guests even more choice, including…

  • Arcadia’s 99 night Round World Cruise
  • Aurora’s Grand Tour
  • Oceana’s seven night track itineraries in Dubai and the Arabian Gulf
  • And, last but not least, the recent reveal of Iona’s maiden winter season destinations…

Take a look at the programme now available in the brochures by the kitchen areas in Carnival House, as well as on board the P&O Cruises fleet.

We’d love for you to help mark and celebrate the launch of P&O Cruises winter 2020/21 programme in a competition on Instagram.

Paul Ludlow, President, P&O Cruises,  opens the competition in the short film below.

How to enter

All you need to do is tell us what your favourite destination from Iona’s winter season is and the reasons why, in either a short video or selfie, and hashtag #unforgettableexperiences #ionawinter2020destinations tagging @CarnivalUKComms.


The most liked post will win a £200 Visa Gift card.

Please see terms and conditions of entry below.

Iona Winter 2020 season Competition employee terms and conditions FINAL

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