Starting today, P&O Cruises will no longer call into the port of Amsterdam. Instead, all cruises including the recently launched winter 2020/21 cruises, will dock in IJmuiden.

To ensure our Guests are still able to enjoy Amsterdam we will be providing free shuttle buses to transfer Guests the 35 minute journey to the city. Booking confirmations and communications will now display this port as Amsterdam (from IJmuiden).  Cruises showing the port Amsterdam (from Rotterdam) are not affected.

Please see the list of cruises affected:

A906,  22 Mar 2019
N907, 12 Apr 2019
N918, 14 Jul 2019
N924, 30 Aug 2019
N929, 20 Oct 2019
R923, 22 Nov 2019
N936, 13 Dec 2019
J920, 19 Dec 2019
J921, 29 Dec 2019
N002, 7 Feb 2020
J007, 5 Jul 2020
N041, 13 Dec 2020
J018, 19 Dec 2020
N043, 29 Dec 2020
N102, 7 Feb 2021
N105, 30 Mar 2021

From today (Monday 11 March 2019), booking confirmations and the website will appear as ‘Amsterdam (from IJmuiden)’.

As these changes were made after our new brochure was printed, Booking Notifications will be loaded to advise Guests of this change during the booking process.

A Q&A is available from the Customer Communications team if you want to find out more.

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