myHR Portal gives us the fantastic opportunity to offer additional benefits to you and your dependants. From 8 to 20 January 2019 your ‘benefits window’ opens and you can select from two new benefits – an employee paid voluntary dental scheme for you and your family, and an employee paid voluntary life assurance scheme.

We have been able to leverage the buying power of Carnival UK to bring you significantly discounted costs against what you would pay for the equivalent on the “high street”. And by paying through payroll means you don’t have to worry about managing any direct pay arrangements with the providers.

Employee paid voluntary dental

Select from two levels of cover to provide reimbursement of dental costs up to certain levels – cover can apply to just you or also extended to your dependants.

Employee paid voluntary life assurance scheme

Add to the level of cover that Carnival UK already provide for you, and provide extra valuable cover for your loved ones. You can select up to a total maximum of seven times your salary (including any company paid cover) up to a maximum cover level of £1.25 million. A great element of this is that you won’t need to do any medical underwriting to get the extra cover.

If you have questions about these two new benefits, a representative from the benefits team will be in the Atrium between 12pm and 2pm on Wednesday 9 and Monday 14 January.  You can also find out more by clicking on the links below. 

Even if you are not looking to select additional cover please log into myHR Portal to update your family and dependents information as the personal information you have previously provided to us may not be showing.

The window for choosing both of these opens on 8 January 2019 and will run until 20 January 2019, to begin from 1st February 2019. Log into myHR Portal, select Benefits and click on ‘Enrol’ to begin.


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