On 10 January, Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria set sail from Southampton on their respective Round World Voyages and as is Cunard tradition, there was a phenomenal firework display to send them on their way.

With Queen Victoria being in City Terminal and Queen Mary 2 just next door at Mayflower Terminal, Carnival House were pleased to host a first-class viewing spot for all Carnival UK employees, all to be enjoyed alongside a delicious hot chocolate to ward off the winter chill.

The farewell also attracted many spectators to Southampton, in particular Mayflower Park, who all joined us in wishing both iconic ships a fantastic Round World Voyage season.

Guests on board Queen Victoria set sail for Bermuda, Aruba, San Francisco, Honolulu, Sydney, Hong Kong and Cape Town and will return to Southampton some 107 nights later. Queen Mary 2 will take in Seville, Athens, Egypt, Goa, Singapore and Lisbon before returning to Southampton on 14 April 2019.

We wish both ships and ship’s company a successful Round World Voyage (RWC) season filled with many unforgettable holiday memories for our Guests and new adventures for our ship’s company.

Where did you enjoy the fireworks from this week? Let us know what you thought in the comments box below.

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1 Comment

  1. Fantastic display, felt like a real event. A bit of me couldn’t help be proud working for the company responsible for the beautiful, lit-up ships that people had braved the cold night to see.

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