Carnival UK’s special relationship with The Prince’s Trust has been further strengthened by the fantastic efforts from one of our own.

Amy Mayhew, Manager of Resourcing and On Boarding for Maritime, has been nominated for The Prince’s Trust Awards Mentor of the Year. The award, introduced in 2018, seeks to recognise and celebrate volunteers and mentors across the UK who provide incredible levels of support to young inspiring individuals who seek to overcome huge barriers to success.

Amy has championed The Prince’s Trust at Carnival House through playing an integral role in workshops and young people projects. She has also particularly enjoyed a connection with Nathan, a young individual who Amy is helping to achieve his career goals, here at Carnival House.

Reflecting on her nomination, Amy said “I am very humbled to receive this nomination and couldn’t have done it without the support of Carnival UK and my colleagues.”

On Amy’s contribution, Catherine Hutchinson, National Corporate Partnerships Manager at The Prince’s Trust said: “I think you are absolutely amazing Amy, you do so much for us and have worked so hard to champion The Prince’s Trust, our young people and projects, to get to the place we are now, and you should definitely be celebrated.”

As judges continue to shortlist candidates for this year’s award, we at Carnival UK keep our fingers crossed for Amy and look forward to what she and others can achieve for The Prince’s Trust in 2019!

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