Graphic image which says 'performance rating and calibration meetings'

Please note that calibration only takes place for Shoreside colleagues

We believe in giving all colleagues an indication of how they’re performing. We do this by establishing a year-end rating that reflects their level of performance over the year (December – November)

Our ratings inform part of an employee’s reward outcome and provide a steer on future focus for development. As we seek to drive a step change in business performance, we are aligning with the rest of Carnival Corporation and moving from a seven-point rating scale to a universal three-point scale for performance ratings.

Year-end conversations take place at the end of the performance year and during these discussions, everyone will be awarded an individual overall performance rating from the three-point scale below.
Please note: additional information and guidance will be shared throughout the year in preparation for year-end conversation.

Has areas for improvement in how they perform their role.

Achieves performance expectations consistently. Accomplishes the right results with the right behaviors. A reliable contributor to the team and Carnival UK.

Significantly exceeds performance expectations with broad impact. Drives exceptional results and models the right behaviors.


Performance ratings will go through a calibration process before they’re confirmed in the end of year conversation. Calibration meetings are forums which aim to ensure managers are applying a consistent approach to rating performance across the business. This process checks that all colleagues are evaluated through the same criteria, relative to their peer group and without bias – no matter who they report to.

It’s important to note that calibration doesn’t include forced ranking or distribution. Rating distribution should be examined across groups and managers should discuss whether they fit with the overall business or team performance.

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