Tell us what you think about working at Carnival UK. Check your email for a link to take part in the latest engagement survey!

Listen to each other, be accountable for our actions and learn from our mistakes

Listen & Learn is about being humble. It’s about recognising we don’t hold all the answers so we
must collaborate, listen and learn, and take feedback on board. It’s a two-way conversation with
your colleagues no matter the level or rank. It means taking accountability, reflecting and looking
back at what’s happened in the past to learn for the future. It’s about taking on recommendations
from those who are invested in helping you to Improve. It’s about learning from mistakes and
sharing that learning with others who may benefit. When people Speak Up, we take the time to
Listen and Learn, even if we’re hearing something that’s difficult to hear.

What it isn’t:
It’s not about ego or defensiveness. Listen & Learn requires openness and vulnerability.

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