
Who are we?

We make IT happen across ship and shore, through our Technology Architecture, Project Governance & Delivery, Infrastructure & Operations, Technology Security, Risk & Compliance teams.

What do we deliver?

  • We maintain, support and secure all of the laptops, desktops, servers, storage, network and applications across the fleet, shore and our remote sites.
  • We deliver new and upgraded technology to enable business initiatives.

Fun Facts:

  • During a refit, the team spend approximately 50 hours cabling the Computer Room and Hubs across the ship.
  • We are delivering over 100 new and existing systems on Iona (All of these systems will need to be tested).
  •  There are 150+ touch points the Guest has with IT systems during the customer journey (touch points cover pre cruise, on board and post cruise). For example If a Guest goes to reception and request’s a print out of their bill – that’s a touch point.
  • The number of cakes and biscuits eaten by the BA & Testing Team alone in a week reaches 3 figures…
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