Procurement & Supply Chain

Who are we?

  •  We are a capable and professional team of 65 plus.
  • We ensure our ships are supplied with the right goods and services at the right time.
  • We work with nearly every department to ensure CUK gets the best value for the money it spends.
  • We are accountable for change projects across Entertainment, Food & Beverage to provide a vital platform for the successful operation of Iona.

What do we deliver?

(Literally) all the items our ships need to give our guests a great holiday.

Fun Facts:

  • Sustainability – We have a plan to replace or remove over 3,000 single use plastic items over the next 4 years.
  • Every year we order and load 26,000 pallets or 46,000 tonnes of Hotel supplies onto our ships.
  • If we were to lay all of the mattresses we’re purchasing for Iona end-to-end, they would reach from Carnival House to Winchester, around 18km.
  • We have over 350 years of procurement experience in the team.
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