Fleet People Operations

Who are we?

We are a professional team of 70 plus who are passionate about our people!

What do we deliver?

We deliver operational Services to our People in the fleet for example:

  • Attraction & Recruitment: Attracting the right talent and right assessments to select the right people for the right jobs.
  • Onboarding: Introducing people to the organisation in the right way, with the right documentation, visa’s, qualifications, compliance etc.
  • Training Compliance: Ensuring all Crew have the required training and certification at all times.
  • Rotations & Logistics: Ensuring Crew rotational plans and travel are planned efficiently, and managing gaps arising due to unplanned events.
  • Data & MI: Providing people data, management information and insights to our stakeholders.

Fun Facts:

  • We hire all ranks onboard our ships, from Captain to Florist.
  • We manage the rotations & logistics for over 16,000 crew to ensure our ships are manned across the year.
  • We manage over 2000 training event bookings for CUK manned crew across locations worldwide.
  • We work with our manning and recruitment agencies all over the world to source our truly global workforce.


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