Newbuild & Hotel Refit

Who are we?

  • We are a small team of 15 persons.
  • We have a mix of skills spanning hotel design, project management and finance.
  • We manage CUK’s Newbuild and Hotel Refit programmes.

What do we deliver?

  • We deliver operationally ready ships to CUK.
  • We ensure that CUK is ready and prepared to receive these ships.
  • We maintain and upgrade the hotels on our existing fleet.

Fun Facts:

  • IONA has 2946 pieces of catering equipment, including 54 ice cube machines producing around 750,000 ice cubes per day; enough to cool 190,000 gin and tonics.
  • There a three LNG tanks on IONA, holding 3440 m³ of gas at -163°c; about the same temperature as the planet Mercury on chilly day.
  •  There are over 20,000 lifejackets on IONA including some for dogs.


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