Contact Centre Operations

Who are we?

Spread across the whole of floor 1, we currently have around 270 people working in our busy Contact Centre. The CCO teams vary from Telephony, Guest Services, Guest Relations, Flights, Resource Planning and Customer Communications all working together to create unforgettable holiday happiness.

What do we deliver?

We are passionate on delivering an excellent Guest experience from the initial moment of booking through to their return home.

Whilst working at the frontline of the business, we speak to 100’s of guests and agents a day, which can vary from booking cruises, helping with queries, returning lost property and resolving complaints.

Fun Facts:

  • We encounter many weird and wonderful items that our Guests leave on board but one of the weirdest items found in lost property was a double blow up bed, which is still waiting to be claimed!
  • The total number of inbound calls we took in the last year was 934,716, that’s an average of 2582 per day and 246 per hour!
  • One of the strangest complaints that our Guest Relations team once received was a Guest dissatisfied by arriving to find the biscuit in their cabin was broken in its packet. Oh crumbs!
  •  In 2018 Customer Communications as a team of 3, communicated to over 345,000 guests regarding change – thankfully we have a team of 6 now.
  • Have you booked your Employee Discounted Travel? Well, be nice to us! We book that for you…
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