Together with all brands in our Carnival family, we’re taking action to reduce our impact on the environment and invest in our communities and people to deliver positive change – not just for today, but for the long term.

Addressing climate action is our number one sustainability priority, so we’re delighted to announce that P&O Cruises has been shortlisted for Energy Efficiency Project of the Year in the edie Net-Zero Awards.

The edie Net-Zero Awards recognise and reward individuals and organisations that are spearheading the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy. From breakthrough innovations and technological solutions to industry-leading carbon reduction programmes and ambitious energy management initiatives.

Congratulations to everyone involved. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Friday 29 November.

Find out more about our sustainability priorities and how we’re taking action to drive positive change at

This release may include claims related to our greenhouse gas emissions reductions, goals, initiatives, accomplishments, and progress reports. Supporting data for such greenhouse gas emissions claims, including data verification information, is published in our Sustainability Reports on on an annual basis.

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