Our Contact Centre Operations (CCO) team are thrilled to announce that their wellbeing programme, Wellness 366, has been selected as a finalist for the Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) Employee Wellbeing Awards!

REBA is the professional association for employers offering rewards and benefits to their staff as part of a wider HR strategy to engage talent and drive success. These independent awards recognise companies for delivering excellence, celebrating strategies that have been put in place to help individuals thrive, and come together with fellow reward and benefits professionals leading the way in employee wellbeing.

We’ve been shortlisted for the Best New Wellbeing Strategy…The Best New Wellbeing Strategy award recognises businesses that have successfully implemented the first phase(s) of a wellbeing strategy within the last two years.

What’s Wellness 366?
Brainchild of Charlotte Mair and Liz Sinclair, Wellness 366, is the Contact Centre Operation’s wellness programme. Since launching last July, each month there is a focus on healthy mind, body or bank. CCO ran activities, provided tips, interactive workshops and learning opportunities for the team. So far Wellness 366 has produced the CCO Snug, Better with Money sessions, branded reusable water bottles with more to come.

Good luck to everyone involved!

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