Here are the latest, new faces to join us here at Carnival House…

Mark McQuire Engineer, Safety
Joanne Sutherland Manager, Technology Fleet
Emma Stevenson Manager, Sourcing
Clementine Hodgin-Culver Senior Manager, Marketing Campaigns
Paul Bryson Director, Marine Investigation
Matthew Scott Manager, Business & Process Analysis
Andrew Smith Director, Strategic Sourcing
Samantha Bell Manager, Technology Project
Rachel Beeston Director, Technology Continuous Improvement Programme
Martin Bryan Designer, Graphic
Teri Kocichova Advisor Identity & Access Management
Konstantinos Dikis Superintendent, Projects
Matt Bayford Executive, Communications
Oliver Pringle Consultant
Mila Clarke Personal Assistant
Eva Lee Planner, Project

If you see any of these people in Carnival House make sure you say hello! 🙂

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