With Iona less than a year away from setting sail on her maiden voyage, we have a few different ways you can keep up to date on her progress and find out what’s going on.

Iona page on The Insider 

Learn more about her on her dedicated page on The Insider. Find out about the Senior Management Team, what Iona will offer her people working on board and the timeline of activity in getting ready for Iona. You’ll also be able to take a virtual tour, find answers to your questions, view her spaces on board, hear from people who are already working on getting ‘Iona ready’ and much, much more!

‘Getting P&O Cruises Future Ready’ Newsletter and News Round Up animation

But that’s not all – In addition to the new ‘Getting P&O Cruises Future Ready’ feature in Wavelength magazine, you can now stay even more connected with the new ‘ Getting P&O Cruises Future Ready’ news round up, in a short animation available on The Insider and on Crew TV. This news piece brings ships’ company members quickly up to speed with how everyone is playing a vital role in servicing our Guests of today whilst preparing for our Guests of the future.

Check out the latest animation below…

Iona – ship’s company FaceBook group

For those wh’ll be working on board — you’ve been invited to a dedicated Iona FaceBook group where you’ll be able to connect and get to know your Iona colleagues, and stay tuned to exciting Iona developments.

Iona Reps

Each ship will also have a Iona point of contact to support in managing queries and cascading the latest news.

So, what are you waiting for? Head to our Iona page, find out what’s going on and even take a look at our latest video round-up.

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