South Shields Marine School, in Tyne and Wear, UK has recently awarded our very own Captain Hashmi the ‘Dr Winterbottom Fellowship’ in recognition of his cadet and officer mentoring as a distinguished alumni and for the lectures he regularly delivers to the maritime industry.

The Dr. Winterbottom Fellowship is named in recognition of Dr. Winterbottom who came up with the idea of opening the UK’s first Merchant Marine School in 1861 in South Shields, the oldest Marine School in the UK.

Capt Hashmi completed his Cunard cadetship and all subsequent Nautical Studies including his Master’s licence at South Shields Marine College. As a fellow of the Marine School he’ll now deliver a number of lectures/workshops each year to cadets and officers on a variety of topics including safe Bridge operational procedures, managing psychological stress in emergencies as well as discussions on the latest maritime case law.

During his acceptance speech at the graduation award ceremony Captain Hashmi shared with the new graduates the mantra he’s always tried to follow whenever he’s had to overcome any major challenges. Paraphrased from President JFK’s famous quote when the world was envisaging manned expeditions to the moon, “…..we do this not because its easy, but because its hard” something that has carried him along all his career at sea!

Congratulations to Captain Hashmi!

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