To mark Day of the Seafarer in June, we challenged our colleagues on board to write a seafaring poem about what life is like at sea. 

We received over 20 entries so thank you to all those who put pen to paper – or typed text to document – and got creative. The sea, whether it’s for work or pleasure, is an inspiring place for many and a lot of our seagoing colleagues wrote of the tranquil nature working at sea brings and the closeness of life on board with colleagues and friends. 

But there can only be one winner….

Congratulations Sarah James, from Britannia, on her poem ‘Ever Since’.

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed that I would be,
just like Jane McDonald and sing upon the seas
but at school they said ‘Don’t be silly, that’s not a proper job,
you need to get your head down and not end up a slob.’
Last year I finally achieved my goal after many years of trying
if I moaned and said I hated my job, everyone would know I’m lying.
Now I’m living the best life, singing on the seas
and everyday I think I’m blessed and forever grateful I will be. 

 (Above, Sarah)

The judges were very impressed with Sarah’s personal account of what being a seafarer meant to her and how relatable it is to all our colleagues.

Thank you again for all the wonderful entries, it really shows how much our colleagues love working on board!

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