Last week I attended the South West Contact Centre Forum awards, where I was nominated for Support Person of the Year by the management team in the Contact Centre and I’m super proud to say I won!

Being recognised for the work that you do is a huge motivator when it comes to enjoying and having pride in your role. 

My nomination highlighted many tasks and initiatives I’ve taken part in since joining Carnival back in August 2018. These included managing Children in Need, helping deliver a year-long engagement strategy, creating new communication tools such as immersion sessions with Senior Management, Q&A’s with the Executive Leadership team and a Contact Centre Christmas party on the sea!

Before the awards I had to attended an interview in Bristol that was 70% of the final decision – the other 30% was judged from the nomination form that was already submitted. For the interview, I created a visual mood board which included photos from all of the events and incentives that I helped create for our Contact Centre.

So, what happened on the day?

The evening was a black tie award ceremony which took place under the wings of Concorde at Aerospace Bristol. After a build-up of a couple other categories my stomach was in knots when I heard 

“And the Support Person of the Year 2019 winner is… Charlotte Mair”. It took me a couple of seconds to realise they were talking about little old me before I made my way up on to the stage to collect my award. The rest of the evening consisted of many happy tears and lots of celebrating!

I still expect to wake up and it to have all been a dream, but there are plenty of photos to remind me of the most incredible night of my career. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me since joining Carnival UK!

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