The Cove is our self-serve learning platform jam packed with guides, soft skill workshops and virtual sessions to support you.

  • Development planning
  • Being a Mentor or Mentee
  • Preparing for challenging conversations
  • Looking after your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your team
  • Effective ways of working
  • Much more…

Power Hours have provided me with practical learnings from both the trainers and your colleagues.

Cecilia Evison, Senior Copywriter

It’s also home to our booking platform for Power Hours, Leaders Exchange sessions, Hearing Manager Masterclass (CUK 05 – 07 only), Leading through Change sessions and Fundamentals of Project Management.

POWER HOURS – Engaging bitesize sessions aimed at enhancing key skills, discussing topics with your colleagues, and giving you tips and tricks that you can start using right after the session.

LEADERS EXCHANGE – These are your opportunity to collaborate with other leaders across the business, sharing your experiences and working through challenges together, all in just 60 minutes!

FUNDAMENTALS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT – A half day course to introduce you to the core skills required to lead small – medium sized projects.

LEADING THROUGH CHANGE – Highlights the importance of growth mindset, emotional impact of change and provides tools to help you to lead and engage teams through change.

HEARING MANAGER MASTERCLASS – To support ourCUK05- 07 leaders with the skills and confidence to hear cases to support our Fleet and Shore colleagues.   

  • What is Radical Candour and how to apply it
  • Creating an environment of psychological safety
  • How to embrace diverse thinking
  • Strategic thinking principles
  • Taking back your time: Prioritising to boost productivity
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
  • Having courageous conversations
  • Building collaborative relationships

I have been to a couple of Power Hours recently and both were incredibly useful. Having an hour away from our laptops to focus on development is immensely valuable. I’ll be signing myself up for more sessions!

Amy Meredith , E-commerce Manager

All bookable sessions are offered as in person or virtual session. Book on to a session by selecting ‘calendar’ from the left-hand menu once you’ve logged into The Cove.

Click here to get started and register for The Cove

Already have an account? Click here to log in.

Retrieve your login details here, or contact the learning team at

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