We’re passionate about looking after our people and so to help you stay safe and well this winter, we’re encouraging as many people as possible to get the flu vaccination.

From 10 October you’ll be able to to start claiming back your flu vaccination costs. To help you process your claim, watch our ‘how to use iExpenses video’ and remember to select ‘Flu vaccination’ from the ‘Expense type’ drop down menu.

You should use a company credit card where possible to pay for the vaccine or alternatively, you’ll be able to claim through expenses with a receipt. In both cases, the cost code will be 701-130-2255-652520.

We know flu vaccinations are limited and may not be available until November, so you have up until 31 January 2025 to claim.

Those eligible for a free vaccination at their registered GP, see eligibility here, should continue to make contact with their surgery to book an appointment if possible.

While we cannot influence availability of flu vaccinations in your area, we’re happy for you to work flexibly to allow you to travel to your closest available location for the vaccination. Please speak with your line manager to agree any flexible working arrangements.

To find out more about the benefits of the flu vaccination click here.

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