Carnival House social

We’ve created this page where we can bring colleagues together with similar interests. If you’d like to add your club to this page, please get in touch.

Banner with an image of someone knitting, a book, a man holding a camera and a board game

Board games

Board in the House is a small but growing group which meets regularly to enjoy table top games.  Weekly lunchtime sessions revolve around smaller groups, each playing a single game known to be viable with the hour slot. This is supported by an extended “after hours” session each month where the whole group makes use of a single larger space with people moving between games or allowing for more detailed/time consuming games.
Gamers of all levels are welcome, you will always find people willing to walk you through how to play, whatever the kind of game. It’s all about having fun.  Card games, board games, miniature table top games & role play games (eg D&D) all find a home within the group.

The lunchtime gaming club meets every Wednesday from 13:00 – 14:00. They play a variety of board and card games. 

If you’re interested in joining, please get in touch with Andrew Smith (Finance) or Mark Cleaver.

They also hold a session after work on the third Thursday of the month from 17:30-22:00. You can email Martha Rafferty to find out more about this session.

Crafty lunch

If you like to knit, crochet or sew, including cross stitch and embroidery, then you can join the crafty lunch time sessions every Thursday from 12:30 – 13:30. They meet in the atrium by the soft chairs.

For more information, email Nicola Pearson or Claire Buckingham

Photography group

Are you passionate about photography?  This group is open to all abilities.  If you’d like to learn new skills, share your experience with others or simply want to find out more please contact Emanuil Svetlinski.

Writing and publishing workshop

There’s a saying that everybody has at least one book in them, and some people spend their lives regretting not finishing that fantasy masterpiece, writing their memoirs, or completing their heart-breaking true story.

Are you one of those people?

Are you interested in writing a book but don’t know where to start?  Or perhaps you’ve finished your book but don’t know where to go next?

In 2008, Darren Clarke (writing under the pseudonym Darren Craske) had a 4 book publishing deal with HarperCollins, but when that contract came to an end he found himself with lots of ideas but no way to get them into print.

When the tablet market exploded and e-books suddenly became popular, Darren discovered that he could self-publish his books – for FREE! He didn’t need an agent, or a publishing contract. All he needed was the ideas, a laptop and some free time.

Darren continues to write and publish his books on Amazon, and he wants to share how easy the process is.

He has scheduled some Writing & Publishing Workshops to run over the next few months. There are currently 14 people signed up, but it’s not too late to express an interest.

The topics that will be discussed during the sessions include the basics of writing, getting an agent, traditional publishing versus creating your e-book, self-publishing and what happens next…

If this sounds something you’d like to get involved in, please get in touch with


Shipmates is a sports and social club run by Carnival UK employee volunteers for CUK employees. Find out  more about Shipmates and how to join.

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