Clothes Swaps are a great way to give your wardrobe a refresh, try out a new look, and clear out any unwanted clothes, shoes, and accessories – all the while keeping your clothes in circulation and away from landfills.  

Join in our first clothes swap at Carnival House on 2 October! 

Click here to save the event to your diary. 

Drop-off your clothes in advance 

  • Sort through your clothes, shoes, and accessories and bring in up to 15 items you no longer want. 
  • Drop-off you donations to us before the event. Laura and Kate will be accepting donations every Wednesday 11:00 – 12:00 in The Atrium between now and 2 October. 
  • We’ll send you an email to confirm we’ve received your donation. We’ll sort the rest and get all your donations ready to be browsed at the Clothes Swap!

What can I donate?

  • You can donate up to 15 items for each Clothes Swap. Please only donate clothes that are in good, clean, wearable condition that you’d be happy to take away yourself. 
  • For our first event we’ll be swapping and accepting donations of women’s, men’s, and gender-neutral clothes, shoes, and accessories only (no underwear or swimwear). Depending on the level of interest, we may open the events up to swap children’s clothes too in future. 
  • Every item you donate can be swapped for something else. So, if you donate 8 items to the Swap, you can take 8 away with you on the day. 

At the event:  (2 October, From 12:30-14:30, Quebec Room)

  • We’re suggesting you make a £5 cash donation on entry to the Swap, which will be split between our CUK charity partners: The Prince’s Trust and Teenage Cancer Trust.
  • Make sure you bring a bag with you on the day to take your ‘new-to-you’ clothes away in! Then, it’s time to get swapping! Please just be considerate of others at the Swap and only take away items that you’ll wear.  
  • If you don’t find anything you’d like at the Clothes Swap, or don’t manage to make all your swaps, don’t worry! You’ll be able to carry these over to the next event. We’ll keep a note of the number of swaps you’ve made so far.  
  • Any items left over at the end of the Clothes Swap will be stored ready for the next one – when you’ll be able to donate up to 15 more items so you can keep swapping! If there are items that haven’t found a new home after 3 events, we’ll donate these to charity.
  • If you’d like to donate items to an upcoming event without swapping, that’s fine too! Just frop your items off to us on a Wednesday.  

Any questions? Please email Laura Jackson or Kate Johnston 

Did you know?

300,000 tonnes of old clothes get thrown away in household rubbish bins in the UK every year (that’s almost the same weight as three Azuras (115,000GT), or three Queen Annes (113,000GT)!

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