The results are in! The quarterly Values Awards winners have been decided! Well done to everyone who was nominated we had over 17 nominations which is a huge success!

Winner – Georgios Vavourakis

Georgios was recognised by a number of colleagues for his commitment and dedication to supporting our fleet during this hibernation period. In particular supporting and engaging with Flag and Class to ensure our fleet remain compliant and operating at the highest standard, even during these quieter times.

Team Winner – Maritime Analysts,  Jess Bull and Jason Milburn

Jess and Jason have been recognised as a team for supporting our department and colleagues across the business with analysing and creating graphs and data for the HESS committee pack and to share with the fleet when this had previously been carried out by someone else.

Runner Up – Debbie Edmunds

Debbie was nominated for her support in listening and helping a colleague during the collective consultation. Her commitment to her team and boosting morale during such a difficult period is an inspiration to all of us.

Runner Up – Nick Shooter

Nick was nominated by a number of colleagues for going above and beyond over the past few months. In particular his commitment to his colleagues in supporting them as an Employee Representative during the collective consultation and following shortly on supporting the sale of Oceana.


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