Today, 20 March is International Day of Happiness, celebrated throughout the world with an aim to help us realise the importance of happiness within our lives.

Here at Carnival UK, we’re passionate about happiness all year round (after all, creating holiday happiness is serious business). Take a look at some of the other ways you can make happiness a part of your everyday, below: 

  • Making connections. Happiness can be found in the friendships we make with others and making time to connect, both in and outside of work, has huge impact on our mental health and overall wellbeing. We can see why happiness is something to celebrate! 
  • Connect and have lunch, on us! Tell us the name of someone at work who makes you happy and why, for the chance to WIN a lunch together. Enter the competition by 17:00 on Monday 25 March, after which we’ll select our winners. Good luck!
  • Get the Happiness Blueprint: On 21 March at 12:00, join the Happiness Blueprint webinar to discover the happiness habits that have been proven to increase productivity whilst supporting you to live a happier life. Click on the link to add the webinar event to your diary.
  • Give the gift of happiness. Make someone’s day with a small act of kindness – like buying someone a coffee or asking how they are. 
  • Be active and boost your mood. Make sure you carve out some time in your day to step away from work and get moving. Even a quick walk during your lunch break can be a great way to help you have a #GoodDayatCUK.
  • Recognise and celebrate others. If you’ve worked with someone recently who brings our Culture Essentials to life, then why not nominate them for a Culture Essentials Award? They could win WOW points to spend on something that makes them happy! 

We asked some of our Mental Health First Aiders to tell us about what makes them happy:

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