Ever thought about getting involved with our employee-led networks? We’re looking for volunteers who are passionate about championing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at Carnival UK to join and lead our networks as part of their planning committees.

What do our networks do?
Employee-led networks are set up by employees, for employees. As well as creating spaces for people to connect and better understand each other’s lived experiences, our networks offer a platform to raise awareness, learn new insights and celebrate the diversity of people within our business.

At the moment, we’ve four employee-led networks at Carnival UK: Athena, m’power, REACH and Spectrum. You can also find out more about our networks and what they stand for here.

Can I volunteer?
Whether you identify with a group or want to show allyship, everyone is welcome to be part of our employee-led networks and drive inclusion at CUK.

Our networks rely on active volunteers, so we need driven individuals looking to promote inclusion, broaden their network, boost their skills and develop professionally. We recommend committing at least an hour a week to the role, so you’ll need to get approval from your line manager before applying.

Why should I volunteer?
You’ll gain a huge amount by being involved in our employee-led networks. We’ve touched on a few, but here’s four key reasons why…

  1. Develop professionally: There’s so many ways volunteering can support your professional development, from skill-building, networking, mentoring and strengthening your leadership skills to enhancing your visibility across Carnival UK.
  2. Be an advocate: You’ve the chance to be a real advocate for underrepresented groups and voices within the organisation. And if not you, then who? As well as bringing people together, you can start meaningful conversations and raise topics relevant to your members within the business.
  3. Aid your personal growth: Being part of our networks can help you become a more understanding leader and confident team member by self-reflecting and better understanding others’ experiences.
  4. Connect with like-minded colleagues: As well as understanding more about each other’s different experiences, our networks provide a supportive community for employees who share common backgrounds, identities and/or interests.

Ready to get involved? Apply to be a part of an employee-led network by completing this form.

Can I get involved without being part of a network’s planning committee?
Yes! You don’t need to be part of a planning committee to get involved. Follow the links below to connect with like-minded colleagues, support activity and be part of the conversation:





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