From today, our Carnival UK electric car scheme expands to include ultra low emission hybrid vehicles, almost doubling the number of cars on offer through the scheme. Through salary sacrifice, you could drive home a brand new car that’s both better for you and the environment. 

Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) are vehicles that emit less than 50g/km of CO2.

The expansion of the scheme to include ultra low emission hybrid vehicles gives you a wider range of cars to choose from and more opportunities to save money – all while Respecting and Protecting our environment.

To see the range of cars available, simply visit, using company code CARN and your employee number to create an account.

To be eligible, you must earn more than £27,000 p/a to make sure participating doesn’t take you below National Minimum Wage and have completed at least three months service with Carnival UK.

Through the scheme, you’ll:

Have a brand new car

Fancy electric? Hybrid? You choose the fuel type, make, model, colour, interior and any optional extras

Save money

By exchanging part of your salary, you benefit from paying less tax and National Insurance.

No deposit to pay

Simply choose your car and only once it’s delivered, will the monthly amount be taken from your pre-tax salary.

Have everything taken care of (pretty much!)

You’ll have fully comprehensive motor insurance, breakdown cover, annual road tax, accident management, routine servicing, MOTs and replacement tyres included in one fixed monthly amount taken from your pre-tax salary.

Access to 24/7 service

Our car scheme provider, Tusker, has a 24/7 driver support line and will book in your car servicing and replacement tyres when you need them.

Find out more

As a shoreside colleague at Carnival UK, you have access to exclusive employee benefits designed to support your wellbeing, protect your health, and contribute towards a good work life balance. Click here to find out more about the range of benefits on offer.

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