Our next Good Day at CUK wellbeing campaign: ‘Be kind to your mind’ is live!

This month we’re focusing on all things mental health. Sometimes we all need a little extra support, and though we recognise Mental Health Month in October every year, it’s important to remember that we should be encouraging open conversations and looking out for each other all year round.   

Throughout the month we’ll be sharing top tips to help you be kind to your mind, along with guides and training for Viva Insights, a new employee platform that encourages you to focus, connect and improve your wellbeing through healthy workplace habits. 

What’s on this month? 

Register now for our Better with Money Webinar:

From planning your budget and managing debt, to creating good money habits, this workshop has got you covered. Join on 20 October at 12:00. 

Based at Carnival House? 

A number of wellbeing sessions are running at Carnival House throughout October. From Reiki to EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) – why not try something new to improve your mental wellbeing? 

Book your classes here! 

Further Support

Are you kind to your mind?
While sometimes we might need a helping hand if we’re struggling with our mental health, there are lots of things we can all do to manage our own wellbeing. Further support can be found here, including podcasts, videos and guides on a range of topics. 

At Carnival UK, Our Mental Health First Aiders and Champions are all colleagues who’ve volunteered their time to take on the role of listening and signposting people to support when they need it. They are committed to raising awareness, reducing stigma and discrimination, and engaging our people in positive mental wellbeing.


Our Mental Health First Aiders have all completed an accredited MHFA England course and are equipped with skills to lead confidential mental health colleague conversations. Our Mental Health Champions have completed a Carnival UK Mental Health Awareness course, and can also help colleagues by connecting them to additional mental health support.

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