We want to make sure everyone at Carnival UK is empowered to bring their whole selves to work. To support colleagues to do this, we’re encouraging you to Be curious and learn more about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) and the positive changes you can make to help your colleagues feel valued and that they belong.

Resources designed to fit your diary

To help make it easy for you to find time in your diary to dedicate to DE&I self development, we’ve listed our recommended learning resources by duration.  You’ll need to log into Good Practice and The Cove to access their resources – use the ‘Retrieve Login’ option if you’ve forgotten your details or email learning@carnivalukgroup.com.

5 - 10 minutes
Good Practice read: Definitions of Diversity
The fact that language has been identified as one of the key factors in which prejudice can lie indicates the importance of terminology to issues of equality and fairness. 
Read here

Good Practice read: Neurodiversity at work
Study after study shows that diverse organisations innovate more and hit better profits. While diverse teams can be great at generating new ideas, neurodivergent employees, literally, think differently.
Read here

Mind tools video: Authenticity
Living authentically means choosing your own course and living life by your own values – not those of anyone else. Watch the video here:

Good Practice read: How to encourage diverse perspectives
Recruiting a diverse team isn’t enough. To get the best from your employees, you have to unlock ‘diversity of thought’. Here’s how…
Read here.

Good Practice read: Tips for creating an inclusive culture
What do we mean when we talk about inclusion in the workplace? In essence it’s about ensuring that each and every employee feels involved, supported and respected. This article looks at some of the simple things we can all do to help create a more inclusive culture at work.
Read here. 

Good Practice read: Diversity and Inclusion Overview
Inclusive workplaces, where people feel truly valued and able to bring their whole selves to work, create healthy and productive organisations the world over.
Read here

10 - 20 minutes
The Cove learning path: My Best Me
How can you empower other people to be the best they can be? Here are our top picks on belonging and inclusion. Includes two 5 minute reads and a 2 minute video. 
Start the path here

You can also reach The Cove resources via Content library>My Best Me: Colleague Development Toolkit > Becoming more people centric (engage and empower) > Belonging and Inclusion

Good practice podcast: Rebel Ideas
A look at the book “Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking,” by Matthew Syed. This book explores the power of diversity, and the difference it makes to the success of projects and plans.
Listen and view the transcript here

30 - 40 minutes

Inclusive Employers Podcast: Supporting LGBT+ colleagues
An insight into personal experiences of coming out in the workplace, LGBTQ+ networks and talk about the use of pronouns.

40 - 50 minutes

Inclusive Employers Podcast: Race and Social Mobility
Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic young adults continue to be at a greater risk of being unemployed than White young adults. Steven Copsey talks to his guests about their backgrounds, their sense of belonging and their experiences when joining the world of work.



Inclusive Employers Podcast: Neurodiversity in the workplace
To build a truly inclusive culture in your organisation you need to consider, and allow for, how every individual accesses, and can thrive in, the workplace. Understanding neurodiversity is one key to enabling this.



Inclusive Employers Podcast: Employee networks – National Inclusion Week special edition
Staff networks (also known as employee networks or employee resource groups) are super effective vehicles to support colleagues, raise awareness, impact-assess decision making and enable innovative approaches to make your organisation stronger.



Inclusive Employers Podcast: Inclusion and diversity in sport
A conversation on the importance of diverse sporting role models and how sporting organisations can be more inclusive for participants, employees and volunteers.

50 - 60 minutes

Inclusive Employers Podcast: Anti-racism in the UK
Following the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, more individuals and organisations are committing to anti-racist action than ever before, but why do we still need to talk about this in 2021? 



Inclusive Employers Podcast: Let’s talk about mental health
1 in 4 of us will be diagnosed with a mental illness during our lifetime and many more will have undiagnosed mental health problems. The podcast explores how we can all look after our mental health and support our colleagues to do the same.



Inclusive Employers Podcast: Parents and carers at work
Data shows that seven million people in the UK are parents and carers. Flexible and family friendly working is increasingly valued by employees throughout their careers and 59% of working parents said they needed to factor childcare options into decision making about whether or not to accept a new job or promotion.

To take your time with - books

Click on the image below to find these books on Amazon. Kindle editions and audio books are available for some of the publications. 







If you’re looking for wider development opportunities, our new shoreside Learning Guide gives a great overview of the development opportunities available over the coming months. Empowering you to own your own development, there’s personal study options using our online resources through The Cove and Good Practice, plus the new Power Hour sessions (available to everyone, promoting new ideas, thinking and techniques), and Leaders Exchange (manager sessions to share experiences, best practice and connect with colleagues).

To book, visit The Cove; select ‘My Calendar’, choose a course/s and select ‘Zoom’ in Location to see available dates. You’ll also find a waitlist option in the Library section if the available dates aren’t suitable. For more information or to talk to the team, contact Learning@carnivalukgroup.com


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